Kevin Dowling

Kevin is a LinkedIn coach who helps service providers attract and convert dream clients faster.
He guides his clients in building a sustainable system through these five steps: offer strategy, DM strategy, content strategy, sales strategy and delivery strategy.
3 weeks
Personal Branding
ROOM4 website + social media content
The Goals
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  • Incorporate his "big personality" into the visual identity.
  • Elevate the brand's image to match the premium quality of his services, and attract the rigth audience.
  • Highlight that his coaching is based on gamification and fun, but always with a strategic purpose behind every action.
The Problems
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  • The HERO text didn’t emphasize his main offer.
  • The background pattern and graphics didn’t convey a premium feel.
  • He mentioned the RPG system (standing for Reflect, Personalize, and Gamify), but users likely won't understand this.
  • The banner contained too much information, making it confusing.
  • The profile image didn’t match the design style of the banner, resulting in an incohesive look.
The Strategy
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  • New look. I created a fresh colour palette and typography to achieve a premium visual identity that still reflects Kevin's playful side.
  • New Banner & Profile Image.
  • I focused the HERO text on Kevin’s main offer.
  • I designed a “loading bar” with five segments representing the steps Kevin uses to help his clients. Each segment features a custom icon.

For the profile image, I created contrast by using a white background and the same gradient as the banner.

  • Featured Section:
  • Carousel:
The Results
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  • Kevin's offer is now clear and easy to understand.
  • The new visual identity conveys a premium feel that matches his services quality.
  • Users will perceive higher value in Kevin’s work due to the meticulous attention to detail across his profile.
  • Kevin now has templates, guidelines, and assets that ensure his investment remains valuable for years to come, allowing him to manage everything quickly and independently.

Happy Client

"Joseph's service sets you up for years to come, allowing you to focus on the areas of your business where you excel, confident that the brand foundation is ready for growth. What I enjoyed most about working with Joseph was how he took initiative and used his knowledge of marketing and copywriting to also create copy based on the branding. This was an unexpected bonus I really appreciated. Finally, he's just an all-around great guy. I'd absolutely recommend working with him on your branding."
Kevin Dowling
Client Attraction Coach